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Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0
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Farewell 2019

A venit timpul clasicei priviri in urma la anul ce tocmai se incheie. In 2019 am continuat sa calatoresc, sa explorez, sa fotografiez, desi parca nu cu avantul primilor ani.
In aprilie am vizitat nordul Spaniei, un loc impresionant, in care oceanul a modelat tarmul calcaros, creand locuri de poveste. Deja a devenit o traditie de cativa ani sa nu petrecem Pastele acasa, si am sperante ca si in 2020 va fi la fel.
In august am facut o scurta vizita litoralului bulgar, m-au surprins placut plajele salbatice, linistite, cu siguranta merita revazute.
In septembrie am intampinat toamna in Islanda. Am refacut inconjurul insulei, de aceasta data incluzand Fiordurile de Vest, pe o vreme nesperat de blanda. Pantele vulcanice cu vegetatie inrosita de toamna, noptile cu aurora dansand pe cer (nu putine, cateva le-am ratat pentru ca pur si simplu eram prea obositi pentru a mai participa la spectacol), fiordurile linistite, ocolite de hoardele de turisti prea ocupati cu sudul si estul insulei, peisajul selenar vulcanic din nord, ziua cu vant puternic cand am crezut ca decolam cu tot cu masina, ultima noapte in cort in care am strans cortul la 4 dimineata din cauza furtunii... Au fost experiente tipic islandeze :)
In rest, pe acasa, prin Carpatii nostri. Desi mult, mult sub "anii de glorie" cand ii colindam neobosit weekend de weekend. Una din dorintele pentru anul ce vine e sa merg pe munte mai des, sa las deoparte toate "problemele" si pretextele ce m-au tinut anul acesta departe de munti. Insa daca stau sa analizez motivele, unul din ele a fost vremea, conditiile meteo. Anul acesta, marea schimbare a fost mai mult decat evidenta. Anotimpurile parca s-au pierdut, s-au contopit intr-un mare nimic, si-au pierdut culoarea si farmecul. Sper sa nu urmeze ani in care vom admira albul iernii si culorile toamnei doar in poze si amintiri.
Cateva imagini adunate de-a lungul anului:


Time to take a look back to the year that's coming to an end. In 2019 I continued travelling, exploring and photographing, although it seems to me that the first years' enthusiasm has tempered a bit.
In April I visited northern Spain, an impressive place, where the ocean modeled the limestone shores, creating marvelous spots. It became a tradition to spend Easter holidays anywhere but home, and I have a feeling that 2020 will make no exception.
In August I made a short trip to the Bulgarian seashores, I really enjoyed the wild and quiet beaches, definitely worth another visit sometimes.
In September I greeted the northern autumn in Iceland. We went around the island once again, this time including the Westfjords, we had an unexpected mild and pleasant weather. The main highlights were the vast volcanic landscapes covered in autumn painted vegetation, the tranquility of the western fjords (far less visited by tourists than the other parts of Iceland), the bright show of the lady aurora dancing in the night sky, the selenar volcanic landscape of the north, the windy day that almost dragged our little car off the road, our last night in the tent when we had to leave at 4 a.m. because of the storm... all in all, a typical Icelandic experience.
Other than that, I wandered around the Carpathians, although a lot less than I'd like. One of the new year's resolutions is to be on the mountains more often, to let aside all problems and pretexts that kept me away from them this year. Even though, now that I think about it, the weather conditions were one of these reasons. This year, the great change became more than obvious, the seasons seem to lose their individualities, their magic and colors. I really hope in the future we won't have to look to our photo albums or memories to see winter's white or autumn colors.
Here are a few images gathered throughout the year:

Joc de lumini - muntii Hasmas / Spotlight - Hasmas mountains

Pictura pe zapada - muntiii Rodnei / Snow painting - Rodnei mountains

Sanctuarul - Annapurna, Nepal / The sanctuary- Annapurna, Nepal

Renasterea / Rebirth

Verde pur - cascada Beusnita / Pure green - Beusnita waterfall

Sculptat in calcar - nordul Spaniei / Carved limestone - northern Spain

Suveniruri din alta lume - nordul Spaniei / Other world's souvenirs - northern Spain

Plaja ascutita - nordul Spaniei / Razor beach - northern Spain

Toamna nordului - Islanda / Northern autumn - Iceland

Spiritul lacului - muntii Apuseni / Spirit of the lake - Apuseni mountains

Toamna eterna - muntii Apuseni / Forever autumn - Apuseni mountains

Efemer - muntii Fagaras / Ephemeral - Fagaras mountains

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Winds of winter

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

True north

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0


Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Gates of winter

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0
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Cold paintings (II)

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

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