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Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Farewell 2018

E deja timpul pentru traditionala privire inapoi, a venit randul lui 2018 sa paraseasca in graba scena. Marea calatorie a continuat, ma simt norocos acum cand agat in cui tabloul acestui an alaturi de celelalte 5 de cand am inceput sa urc muntii.
In aprilie am revizitat Nepalul, am fost la tabara de baza a gigantului Annapurna, unul din cele mai frumoase locuri unde am calcat vreodata, cu adevarat un sanctuar al iubitorilor de munte (asa se si numeste, Annapurna Sanctuary). In iunie am fost in Muntenegru, in masivul Durmitor, un loc surprinzator, insa din pacate l-am gasit "durmind" sub zapezi, astfel ca nu l-am putut explora cum ne-am dorit, insa cu siguranta ne vom intoarce acolo. In septembrie am fost in Norvegia, pe care am gasit-o la granita dintre toamna colorata si iarna, am explorat fiordurile si muntii sai spectaculosi ce strapung marea, si am revazut luminile nordului, aurora boreala.
Am iesit si in Carpatii nostri dragi de cate ori am putut, totusi ceva mai rar decat mi-as fi dorit. A fost un an mai dificil meteorologic, o iarna saraca in zapada, o vara ploioasa, o toamna in care frunzele s-au scuturat repede, insa noul sezon de iarna se arata promitator. :)

S-au mai adunat si cateva fotografii de-a lungul anului, s-ar putea spune ca am batut pasul pe loc sau chiar am regresat, ca traiesc in trecut, public doar poze vechi, etc. Nu am contraargumente, cel mai probabil asa este. Lasand la o parte timpul limitat pe care il am pentru prelucrarea si selectia imaginilor, am constatat ca fiecare fotografie si serie pe care o public are "timpul" ei, trebuie sa simt ca i-a venit momentul, data la care e facuta poza nu are importanta pentru mine. Inca fotografiez din placere, putine sunt iesirile in care las acasa aparatura foto, cu tot plusul considerabil de efort care il implica. Vreau in continuare sa evoluez, sa imi imbunatatesc fotografia -  modul in care "vad" elementele, in care incadrez, exigenta in selectie (ca sa enumar doar cele ce mi se par mai importante), alcatuirea unui portofoliu - toate acestea sunt "teme" pentrul noul an... Insa ma bucur ca pot spune cu detasare si sinceritate ca nu am absolut niciun fel de ambitie in acest domeniu, nu sunt in competitie cu nimeni, nici macar cu mine insumi, tot ce fac e din pura pasiune, in ritmul meu, si vreau sa ramana asa, fara vreo constrangere (auto)impusa.
Cam atat cu povestile (nu sunt punctul meu forte), iata si cateva imagini. :)


It's already time to take a look back to 2018 before it hastily leaves the scene. The great journey continued on this year, I feel lucky for this and the previous 5 years since I began travelling in the mountains. In April I revisited Nepal, I went to Annapurna basecamp, one of the most beautiful places I've ever been, truly a sanctuary of mountain lovers (it is called Annapurna Sanctuary for a good reason). In June I went to Montenegro, to the Durmitor massif, a surprising place. Unfortunately we wound it still sleeping under the winter's snow blanket, but we'll definitely return here. In September we went to Norway, we found it on the sweet border between the colorful autumn and winter. We explored its beautiful fjords and mountains and we were lucky enough to spot the northern lights.
Besides this, we got out to our lovely Carpathians as often as we could, not as often as I'd like :)
The weather was a bit trickier this year, not so much snow last winter, summer was rainy, autumn colors were somehow dull and passed quickly, but the new winter season looks pretty promising so far :)

I've gathered some images throughout the year, some would say there's not much progress on this side. But the main point is I'm doing this as a hobby, I still carry up the hills all my photo gear despite the added effort. I still want to improve my photography - the way I "see" and frame nature elements in a picture, selection exigency, building a portfolio of images, to name a few. But I want to keep doing it as a hobby, not competing against anybody (not even myself), in my own pace and without added constraints.
Enough talking, let's see some pictures. :)

Joc de lumini in muntii Fagaras / Light playing on the slopes of Fagaras mountains

Padure impodobita - muntii Trascau / Decorated forest - Trascau mountains

Lumini si umbre - muntii Suhard / Lights and shadows - Suhard mountains

Eteric - Annapurna, Nepal / Aetheric - Annapurna, Nepal

In floare - Madeira / In blossom - Madeira

Carari imbujorate - muntii Fagaras /  Blossom trails - Fagaras mountains

Creste ascutite - Dolomiti /  Sharp edges - Dolomites

Regatul lui Thor - Thórsmörk, Islanda /  Thor's kingdom - ThórsmörkIceland

Peisaj viking - Lofoten, Norvegia /  Viking landscape - Lofoten, Norway

Schimb de priviri - Cozia / Encounters - Cozia mountain

Driade - Turda / Dryads - Turda

Gigantul - Annapurna, Nepal / The giant - Annapurna, Nepal

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Land of snow and sorrow

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 2

Silent march

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0
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Winter's gates

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 2
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Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Between seasons (II)

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

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