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Last warm touch

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0


Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0
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Selenar concerto

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Ice puzzle

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Farewell 2016

Inca un an se apropie de final, unul foarte intens, nebun, dar la capatul caruia pot spune ca a fost o experienta de neuitat. S-au intamplat multe, bune si rele, am cunoscut oameni faini, mi-am facut prieteni, altii s-au indepartat si imi lipsesc, e printre putinele mele regrete din acest an. Mi-am concentrat toate resursele (timp, bani, zile de concediu) pentru a iesi in natura. Am iesit din tara, am fost in Norvegia, in insulele Canare, Italia (Dolomiti) si Germania (o intalnire prea scurta cu Alpii Bavarezi). Am fost si in traditionala Vama Veche, cum sa o ratez... Si pe langa astea am reusit sa ies de 39 ori in muntii mei iubiti. 11 iesiri au fost in Fagaras, acesti "Alpi ai Transilvaniei" de care nu cred ca ma voi satura vreodata.
Nu stiu ce urmeaza, dar e greu de crezut sa mai gasesc resursele necesare sa continui ritmul nebun de anul acesta :) Ce vreau sigur e sa imi fac un site unde sa imi prezint portofoliul de imagini adunate peste ani.
Fotografic nu stiu daca am progresat sau nu, insa am cateva imagini care-mi aduc zambetul pe buze, si asta e tot ce conteaza pentru mine. Da, simt ca am mult de imbunatatit, insa vreau ca asta sa vina natural, nu vreau sa fortez, sa transform totul intr-o competitie (chiar si cu mine insumi), cred ca prin asta as pierde placerea de a fotografia.
Multi ma intreaba de ce fac asta. Pe scurt, raspunsul e ca imi place la nebunie toata experienta in sine: planificarea unei iesiri in timpul saptamanii, alegerea destinatiei, cautarea prietenilor cu care sa ma duc (nu suport ideea de-a fi singur, mai ales pe munte), verificat prognoza meteo de sute de ori, in sfarsit iesirea din "minunatul" oras de care abia astept sa scap, impreuna cu iubita si prietenii, prima privire spre maretii munti ce apar la orizont, urcusul la lumina lunii, cateodata focul de tabara si acordurile de chitara (de care mi-e tare dor), dulcele somn in caldura sacului de dormit in timp ce vantul sopteste deasupra cortului, trezirea devreme pentru a fotografia minunea primelor raze de lumina, o cafea aburinda in timp ce urez "buna dimineata" minunatiei de creste care imi apare de atatea ori in vise... Toate astea sunt in spatele imaginilor mele, si sper sa pot face asta cat mai mult timp de acum incolo. Vorba cuiva mai priceput decat mine: "Pana cade bruma pe ale noastre frunti, prieteni ne-ntalnim in munti".


So, another year is coming to an end. A very intense one, but in the end I can say it was an awesome ride. Besides personal aspects of my life that are quite different from last year, I spent every resource I had to get out in nature. My external destinations this year included Norway, the Canary islands, Italy (Dolomites) and Germany (a very brief meeting with the Bavarian Alps). I made the traditional trip to the romanian seaside, where I joyfully return every year, and last but not least, I returned to my beloved Carpathians as often as I could, 37 times this year. Of these, 11 trips were in the Fagaras mountains, these "Transylvanian Alps" that I can't get enough of.
What next? I really don't know, but I kinda doubt I'll find the resources next year to match with this crazy year :) What I know for sure is that I want to develop a personal website to present my portfolio of pictures gathered over the years.
Photographically speaking, I don't know if I made progresses or not, but in the end I have a few shots that bring a smile on my face, and this is all that matters. I feel there's a lot of improvement to be done, but I also feel this will come naturally, I don't want to force it, I don't want to get competitive (even with myself). I keep doing this because I love it, I stopped comparing my work with other people's, even though I do admire a lot of other photographer's work.
A lot of folks keep asking myself why I do this. The brief answer is that I simply love the whole experience of it: planning a trip throughout the whole week, switching between possible destinations, gathering friends to join me (I hate being alone, especially on the mountain), looking at the weather forecast a hundred times, finally escaping the crazy crowded city on friday afternoon with my loved one and a couple of friends, first gaze upon the great mountains that show up on the horizon, hiking under the moonlight, camping, sometimes listening and singing along a guitar by the campfire, enjoying the cozy sleeping bag while the wind whispers on my tent, waking up early to catch that great sunrise light that always amazes me, having a coffee while greeting "good morning" to that great ridge that I often dream... These are all behind my pictures, great experiences and memories, and as long as I have some strength in my body I will return to them.

Iata 12 din amintirile mele din acest an: / Here are 12 memories of this year:

A crisp cold evening on Rodnei mountains / O seara geroasa pe muntii Rodnei.

Frosty tree at the edge of the mist realm (Trascau mountains) / Copac inghetat la marginea taramului cetii. (muntii Trascau)

"Alpine geometry" (Fagaras mountains) / "Geometrie alpina" (muntii Fagaras)

Exotic trees fading in the mist (Gran Canaria)/ Copaci exotici in ceata. (Gran Canaria)

Sand mountains (Lanzarote)/ Munti de nisip (Lanzarote)

Life blooming in a volcanic crater (Gran Canaria)/ Viata inflorita intr-un crater vulcanic (Gran Canaria)

Alpine beauty (Fagaras mountains) / Frumuseti alpine (muntii Fagaras)

Surreal light at sunset over Fagaras mountain ridge / Lumina ireala la apus peste creasta Fagarasului

Trees calling back their leaves (Buila-Vanturarita) / Copaci tanjind dupa frunzele lor (Buila-Vanturarita)

In the woods, somewhere (Cozia mountains) / Undeva in padurile minunate ale Coziei

Fading candles (Apuseni mountains) / Lumanari stinse (muntii Apuseni)

Winter sillhouettes (Trascau mountains) / Siluete de iarna (muntii Trascau)

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0


The queen 

Broken fate 

Delicate lines
Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0
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Fading candles

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

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