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Glacial blues

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 1

The mountain within

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Farewell 2015

Looking back at 2015, it was the year of the mountain. I went to the mountains ALL weekends, except for one. And I really want more, I can't think of any better way to spend my time, they are my second home. I hope this year I'll be able to continue this beautiful journey, I'm grateful to have the beautiful Carpathians near me, an endless source of inspiration for me.
I wish you all a great new year!

Here are 12 of my 2015 memories...


2015 a fost anul muntelui pentru mine, am fost in munti in toate weekendurile, cu exceptia unuia singur. Si nu ma satur, nu vad alt mod mai placut de a-mi petrece timpul, muntii sunt casa mea. Sper ca anul acesta sa pot continua aceasta minunata calatorie, sunt recunoscator sa am frumosii Carpati aproape de mine, o sursa nesfarsita de inspiratie pentru mine.
Va doresc tuturor un an nou cat mai bun!

Va prezint 12 din amintirile mele din 2015.

Fresh snow painting the forest in Trascau mountains / Zapada proaspata pictand padurile Trascaului.

Fagaras, the number 1 mountain in my heart, a really awesome trip to Scara refuge. / Fagaras, muntii mei de suflet, intr-o tura superba cu innoptare la refugiul Scara.

Fagaras mountains, again, in blue hour flavor. / Din nou Fagarasii, scaldati in lumina orei albastre.

Winter's last breath in Ceahlau mountain. / Ultima rasuflare a iernii, in Ceahlau.

A rainy trip to Cernei-Mehedinti mountains, we spent all day in the rain watching the mist magic decorating the beautiful Cernei valley. / O tura ploioasa in Cernei-Mehedinti, am petrecut toata ziua in ploaie, privind magia negurilor ce invaluiau frumoasa vale a Cernei.

The classical trip to see the rhododendron flowers in bloom, in Rodnei mountains. / Tura clasica in muntii Rodnei pentru a admira bujorii de munte in toata splendoarea lor.

Sunrise light caressing the mild slopes of the Trascau mountains. / Lumina blanda a rasaritului mangaind pantele domoale ale Trascaului.

Sunset show over Marmolada peak, Dolomiti mountains. / Spectacol de apus peste varful Marmolada din Dolomiti.

"The mean rock", Matterhorn, playing hide and seek with us, on a beautiful morning by Stellisee lake. / Impozantul Matterhorn jucand v-ati-ascunselea cu noi, intr-o dimineata frumoasa pe malul lacului Stellisee.

Beautifully colored forest under the Oslea ridge. / Padurea in haine de toamna, undeva sub creasta Oslei.

A cold autumn morning in the Mehedinti Crovuri. / O dimineata inghetata de toamna in Crovurile din Mehedinti.

Winter's first rage, on the slopes under the Oslea ridge. / Prima rabufnire a iernii, pe pantele de sub creasta Oslei.

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 2

The eternal symphony

Words can't simply express what the traveler feels when rewarded in such way, when nature reveals a small part of the eternal symphony.

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Over a wild solitude

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

The howling

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Lucid dreams

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 1

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