Archive for December 2020
Farewell 2020
"Ianuarie - Februarie - Carantina - Decembrie", asa suna una din multele glume ce circula online care sumarizeaza anul ce tocmai se incheie. Un an ciudat, care ne-a schimbat multora din noi stilul de viata, modul de a percepe lumea, ne-a dat peste cap toate planurile si ne-a demonstrat cat de fragil e echilibrul pe care e construita societatea umana. Personal, sunt recunoscator ca finalul de an ma prinde sanatos, alaturi de familie si prieteni, si le urez multa sanatate celor mai putin norocosi.
Pe plan fotografic, lockdown-ul mi-a dat ocazia sa rasfoiesc sacul tot mai mare de amintiri colorate, dar din pacate nu am reusit sa imi selectez un portofoliu, ramane tema pentru la anul, ca de obicei :) In rest, s-au mai adunat cateva iesiri in Carpatii nostri (pe care am ajuns sa-i visez in lunile de carantina), o singura iesire din tara (cu emotii), in Croatia, o toamna frumoasa, pe care am savurat-o pe indelete, si o iarna ce deocamdata se lasa asteptata.
Cateva imagini adunate de-a lungul anului:
"January - February - Lockdown- December", one among many online jokes that pictures 2020. A strange year, that changed our lifestyles, our perception of the world, scrambled all our plans and showed us the frailty of the balance our society is built upon. Personally, I'm grateful that me, my family and friends are healthy, I send my warmest wishes to the ones less fortunate.
The lockdown gave me an opportunity to browse the evergrowing collection of colored memories, but unfortunately I didn't manage to select a portfolio, well there's always next year for that :) I went to my dear Carpathians as often as I could (during the lockdown months I literally dreamed of them). I only travelled out of the country once (in Croatia), had a beautiful autumn and so far we're still waiting for the real winter to come.
Here are a few images gathered throughout the year:
Solitudine - muntii Parang / Solitude - Parang mountains
Viscol - muntii Hasmas / Raw power - Hasmas mountains
Amintiri nepamantene - Spania / Otherworld souvenirs - Spain
Amintiri nepamantene - Spania / Otherworld souvenirs - Spain
Fabricat in Rai - Cozia / Made in Heaven - Cozia
Meandre - Spania / Meander - Spain
Ziduri de calcar - Spania / Limestone walls - Spain
Lumina si umbra - muntii Fagaras / Light and shade - Fagaras mountains
Soaptele padurii - Faget, Cluj-Napoca / Forest whispers - Faget, Cluj-Napoca
Vis de toamna - muntii Fagaras / Autumn dreams - Fagaras mountains
Dansul frunzelor - Cozia / Last leaves dance - Cozia