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Archive for December 2017

Farewell 2017

Cortina e gata sa cada peste batranul an 2017, e timpul pentru o scurta privire in retrovizoare, inainte de a porni intr-o alta calatorie, in noul an.
Din fericire, in anul ce se incheie am avut sansa de a calatori mult, am vazut locuri extraordinare si am revizitat multe locuri dragi.
In aprilie am fost in Nepal, o tara unde orice iubitor de munte viseaza sa calce, am parcurs circuitul Annapurnei, am respirat aerul tare la 5400m si am privit spre inaltimile naucitoare ale gigantilor de peste 8000m. Am patruns intr-o alta lume, foarte interesanta si diferita de a noastra, si totodata am ajuns sa vad cu alti ochi si sa apreciez lumea in care m-am nascut. Sper ca in 2018 sa ajung din nou acolo.
In iunie am vizitat Madeira, o mica insula din largul Atlanticului unde am ramas foarte surprins de diversitatea naturala, recomand oricarui iubitor de natura sa mearga acolo.
In august mi-am implinit promisiunea de a revizita Islanda, de aceasta data in inima ei muntoasa, am parcurs traseul Laugavegur, de la Landmannalaugar la  Thórsmörk. A fost o experienta cu totul aparte, ne-am dus acolo pregatiti pentru ce e mai rau, sa infruntam vremea "prietenoasa" a Islandei, dar de data aceasta Thor a fost mult mai bland decat prima data cand i-am calcat taramurile, am avut parte de o vreme total atipica Islandei si am putut admira si fotografia in voie minunatia vulcanica de acolo.
Nu am putut sta departe nici de Carpatii mei dragi, mai precis am avut 41 intalniri cu ei, din care 7 in muntii mei de suflet, Fagarasii, de care imi vine un dor crunt acum ca scriu despre ei :) Una din iesirile acolo a fost cu totul speciala, pentru ca acolo sus, pe inaltimile lor eterne, i-am cerut mana si inima celei alaturi de care sper sa imi continui calatoria pe acest pamant, pana cand trupurile (nu si sufletele) ne vor obosi.


As the curtain is ready to fall upon the old 2017, it's time for a quick look back, before settling on a new journey in the new year.
Fortunately, I was lucky enough to travel a lot this year, I've seen some amazing new places and revisited many dear ones as well.
In April I went to Nepal, a land that every mountain lover dreams of, I trekked the Annapurna circuit, breathed the thin air at 5400m altitude and gazed upon the dazzling heights of the 8000m high giants. It seemed like I entered another world, very interesting and a lot different from ours, which also made me look at my own world with different eyes. I hope I'll be able to return there next year.
In June I visited Madeira, a small island in the middle of the Atlantic, I was extremely surprised by the natural diversity of this place, I recommend it to any nature lover.
In August I fulfilled my promise of revisiting Iceland. This time I went to its mountains, I trekked the Laugavegur trail from Landmannalaugar to Thórsmörk. We went there to face the rage of Thor, but he decided to welcome us with an unusual sunshiny mild weather, so we could admire and photograph those wonderful volcanic landscapes at will.
Of course, I couldn't stay away from my dear Carpathians, I had 41 meetings with them throughout the year, 7 of which in my beloved Fagaras mountains, I already miss them now that I mentioned them. There, on one of those eternal peaks, I proposed to her, and I hope she will be by my side through all of my journey on Earth, until our bodies (not our hearts) go tired.

Iata cateva imagini ce s-au adunat de-a lungul anului:


Here are some images that I've gathered throughout the year:

O seara geroasa in muntii Vladeasa / A crisp cold evening in Vladeasa mountains

Primele raze de soare pe piscuri, muntii Rodnei / First rays of light on the peaks of Rodnei mountains

Varful Nilgiri vazut din satul Tatopani, Nepal / Nilgiri peak as seen from Tatopani village, Nepal

Lantul Annapurnei vazut de pe Poon Hill, Nepal / Annapurna range as seen from Poon Hill, Nepal

Dimineata cetoasa in Padis, muntii Apuseni / Foggy morning in Padis, Apuseni mountains

Laurisilva din Madeira, o padure de o frumusete rara / Laurisilva of Madeira, a strangely beautiful forest

Oglinda lacului Lung din Parang in lumina apusului / The mirror of the Long lake in Parang mountains, in the sunset's light

Frumusete vulcanica in Landmannalaugar, Islanda  / Volcanic beauty in Landmannalaugar, Iceland

Paduri in intampinarea toamnei, muntii Apuseni / Early autumnal feeling in forests from Apuseni mountains 

Spectacol de ceata si lumina, muntii Apuseni / Fog and light magic, Apuseni mountains

Intre toamna si iarna, muntii Apuseni / Between autumn and winter, Apuseni mountains

Rochie de gheata, muntii Fagaras / Icy dress, Fagaras mountains

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Crown of the Carpathians

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 2

Frozen warmth

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 0

Caught between seasons (II)

Author : Lucian Satmarean Comments : 2

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