Monday, September 24, 2012

Duality: life vs death, order vs chaos, immaculate nature vs human made filth. Yet, sometimes beauty can be seen in the ugly, as light rises in the darkest hours. I'm sure that this bizzare mutilated place will become the green heaven it used to be, long after the people who wounded it so bad will be gone, just a fleeting nightmare in Mother Earth's grand life. I will detail this place's sad story in a future post; for now, I can only tell that I've seen few places to shock me this much, and through these pictures I'm trying to express what I felt at its first sight.

  1. Într-adevăr, mortale reflexii. Poate, ar trebui să ... reflectăm!

  2. În ce mă priveşte, am fost implicat direct în Campania Salvaţi Roşia Montană. Acum, îi susşin de pe margine, din lipsă de alte mijloace.


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