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Farewell 2014
Another year comes to an end.... Looking back at 2014, it was a year of many changes for me, I had the chance to see places I've never even dreamed of, I'm very grateful for the marvelous experiences I've had and I'd like to thank everybody that has been a part of my journey through this year. Here's a short retrospective of the pictures I took this year.
In prag de sfarsit de an, pot spune ca 2014 a fost un an intens, plin de schimbari. Am avut sansa sa vad locuri pe care doar le visam, am avut parte de experiente de neuitat, tin sa multumesc tuturor care au fost alaturi de mine in aceasta calatorie. In continuare sunt 12 imagini reprezentative pentru anul ce a trecut.
January / Ianuarie
A familiar place, lake Tarzan nearby my hometown, Turda, where I spent my childhood. Decorated with winter powder...
Un loc familiar, lacul Tarzan, in apropiere de locurile mele natale, orasul Turda... in haine de iarna.
February / Februarie
A place full of serenity, surrounded in pure white, where I could really feel winter atmosphere .
We had to hike 8 hours using our snowshoes to get to this "garden of ents".
(Defileul Jiului national park).
Un loc in care am simtit cu adevarat atmosfera de iarna pura... Am urcat 8 ore cu rachetele de zapada pentru a ajunge la aceasta "gradina a entilor". (parcul national Defileul Jiului).
March / Martie
Spring flowers fighting their way through the snow. Life always finds a way to break through anything. (Parang mountains)
Floare gingasa de primavara luptand cu iarna. Viata gaseste intotdeauna o cale sa infloreasca. (muntii Parang)
April / Aprilie
A change of seasons, the mountains are slowly taking off their winter coat. (Retezat mountains seen from Oslea ridge)
Schimbare de anotimpuri, muntii incep sa-si dezbrace hainele de iarna. (muntii Retezat vazuti de pe creasta Oslea)
May / Mai
One of the most beautiful waterfalls in our country, Bigar, in spring atmosphere.
Una din cele mai frumoase cascade autohtone, Bigar, intr-o atmosfera de primavara.
June / Iunie
The call of the Black Sea, at Vama Veche.
Chemarea Marii Negre, la Vama Veche.
July / Iulie
One of the highlights of the year, a trip to wonderful Iceland, a truly unique place. Here is Hvitserkur, "the thirsty monster".
Unul din evenimentele anului pentru mine a fost calatoria in Islanda, un loc cu adevarat unic. In imagine stanca Hvitserkur, "monstrul insetat".
August / August
Another iconic place in Iceland, Godafoss waterfall.
Alt loc reprezentativ pentru Islanda, cascada Godafoss.
September / Septembrie
I took a visit to the greek gods, at mount Olympus in Greece. It was a fun trip, with mountains & sea, surrounded by great friends.
Am vizitat zeii greci acasa la ei, in Olimp. A fost o excursie frumoasa, cu munti, mare, alaturi de prieteni buni.
October / Octombrie
One of the best places to feel autumn atmosphere, Buila-Vanturarita.
Unul din cele mai frumoase locuri pentru a simti atmosfera de toamna, Buila-Vanturarita.
November / Noiembrie
Another highlist of the year was a great trip to USA. I had the chance to see beautiful new places and met a lot of great new people, also met with others I really missed. Overall, a marvellous experience.
Here is the majestic Lone Pine peak of Sierra Nevada mountains, USA, and on the right you can see mount Whitney, the highest peak in the lower US states.
I'd like to thank my cousin, Bogdan, without him this picture (and many others) wouldn't have happened :)
Un alt eveniment important pentru mine a fost vizita in USA. Am avut ocazia sa vad locuri extraordinare, am cunoscut multi oameni faini si m-am reintalnit cu altii de care mi-a fost dor. A fost o experienta unica.
In imagine e impunatorul varf Lone Pine din Sierra Nevada, USA. In apropiere se afla varful Whitney, cel mai inalt varf din US (exceptand Alaska).
Doresc sa-i multumesc varului meu, Bogdan, fara de care aceasta imagine (si multe altele) nu ar fi existat :)
December / Decembrie
Iceland's glacier lagoon, Jökulsárlón.
Laguna ghetarului, Jökulsárlón, Islanda.
Thank you all for watching this, I wish you all a Happy New Year, full of achievements!
Va multumesc si va doresc un an nou fericit, plin de impliniri!
In prag de sfarsit de an, pot spune ca 2014 a fost un an intens, plin de schimbari. Am avut sansa sa vad locuri pe care doar le visam, am avut parte de experiente de neuitat, tin sa multumesc tuturor care au fost alaturi de mine in aceasta calatorie. In continuare sunt 12 imagini reprezentative pentru anul ce a trecut.
January / Ianuarie
A familiar place, lake Tarzan nearby my hometown, Turda, where I spent my childhood. Decorated with winter powder...
Un loc familiar, lacul Tarzan, in apropiere de locurile mele natale, orasul Turda... in haine de iarna.
February / Februarie
A place full of serenity, surrounded in pure white, where I could really feel winter atmosphere .
We had to hike 8 hours using our snowshoes to get to this "garden of ents".
(Defileul Jiului national park).
Un loc in care am simtit cu adevarat atmosfera de iarna pura... Am urcat 8 ore cu rachetele de zapada pentru a ajunge la aceasta "gradina a entilor". (parcul national Defileul Jiului).
March / Martie
Spring flowers fighting their way through the snow. Life always finds a way to break through anything. (Parang mountains)
Floare gingasa de primavara luptand cu iarna. Viata gaseste intotdeauna o cale sa infloreasca. (muntii Parang)
April / Aprilie
A change of seasons, the mountains are slowly taking off their winter coat. (Retezat mountains seen from Oslea ridge)
Schimbare de anotimpuri, muntii incep sa-si dezbrace hainele de iarna. (muntii Retezat vazuti de pe creasta Oslea)
May / Mai
One of the most beautiful waterfalls in our country, Bigar, in spring atmosphere.
Una din cele mai frumoase cascade autohtone, Bigar, intr-o atmosfera de primavara.
June / Iunie
The call of the Black Sea, at Vama Veche.
Chemarea Marii Negre, la Vama Veche.
July / Iulie
One of the highlights of the year, a trip to wonderful Iceland, a truly unique place. Here is Hvitserkur, "the thirsty monster".
Unul din evenimentele anului pentru mine a fost calatoria in Islanda, un loc cu adevarat unic. In imagine stanca Hvitserkur, "monstrul insetat".
August / August
Another iconic place in Iceland, Godafoss waterfall.
Alt loc reprezentativ pentru Islanda, cascada Godafoss.
September / Septembrie
I took a visit to the greek gods, at mount Olympus in Greece. It was a fun trip, with mountains & sea, surrounded by great friends.
Am vizitat zeii greci acasa la ei, in Olimp. A fost o excursie frumoasa, cu munti, mare, alaturi de prieteni buni.
October / Octombrie
One of the best places to feel autumn atmosphere, Buila-Vanturarita.
Unul din cele mai frumoase locuri pentru a simti atmosfera de toamna, Buila-Vanturarita.
November / Noiembrie
Another highlist of the year was a great trip to USA. I had the chance to see beautiful new places and met a lot of great new people, also met with others I really missed. Overall, a marvellous experience.
Here is the majestic Lone Pine peak of Sierra Nevada mountains, USA, and on the right you can see mount Whitney, the highest peak in the lower US states.
I'd like to thank my cousin, Bogdan, without him this picture (and many others) wouldn't have happened :)
Un alt eveniment important pentru mine a fost vizita in USA. Am avut ocazia sa vad locuri extraordinare, am cunoscut multi oameni faini si m-am reintalnit cu altii de care mi-a fost dor. A fost o experienta unica.
In imagine e impunatorul varf Lone Pine din Sierra Nevada, USA. In apropiere se afla varful Whitney, cel mai inalt varf din US (exceptand Alaska).
Doresc sa-i multumesc varului meu, Bogdan, fara de care aceasta imagine (si multe altele) nu ar fi existat :)
December / Decembrie
Iceland's glacier lagoon, Jökulsárlón.
Laguna ghetarului, Jökulsárlón, Islanda.
Thank you all for watching this, I wish you all a Happy New Year, full of achievements!
Va multumesc si va doresc un an nou fericit, plin de impliniri!